As the Iraqis Sit Down, We’ll Stand Up

We fear they are about to make the mistake that so many others have made when they have endeavored to force a superior culture and religion upon other races. —The Urantia Book More Than 1,000 in Iraq’s Forces Quit Basra Fight So begins the front page article in today’s NY Times. The total number of ‘quitters’ could be as high …


George Bush the candidate warned us that he decried nation-building. After invading Iraq, the justifications for doing so devolved from looking for weapons of mass destruction to spreading democracy, even if we had to kill a million or so people to “gitter done.” But the world did not heave a collective sigh of relief. People smarter than George Bush have …

When The Queen Bows Down

The endgame comes apace and we are left to face the ravaged queen displaced; the horse eye never quite diminished as She wanders ’round the corner.

John McCain Is STILL A Prisoner of War

And he wants you to be a prisoner of war, too. Potential “Prisoner of War President” John McCain intends to flog Bush’s War for fifty or a hundred years or more. . . (well, not him personally; he’ll be lucky to live through one full term no matter how long his mother keeps puttering around the rest home). But his …

Will The Press Ever Give McCain a Break?

For weeks on end, Senator John McCain, the valiant warrior/hero of our last interminable war, has borne the torturous brunt of the MSM’s obsession with his plans for continuing the Iraq War indefinitely, our worsening economic catastrophuck, and his recent spate of “senior moments,” which they insinuate reveals his funda-mental inability to understand the dynamics of the Middle East. The …

When Defeat is Success: More Orwellian Newspeak from the Pentagon

Yesterday, in response to the explosion of violence in Basra that has necessitated an influx of 15,000 Iraqi and American troops, the Pentagon claimed the situation was a “by-product of the success of the surge.” The Suits in the Pentagon might want to check with the Brass on that, or at least the retired members who are free to speak …

4,000 US Troops KIA in Iraq

From Nico Pitney, a mosaic of photos of Americans fallen in Iraq. McCain says US succeeding in Iraq [Catastrophuck] LIZ SIDOTI  HufPo CHULA VISTA, Calif. — Fresh off his eighth Iraq visit, Sen. John McCain declared Monday that “we are succeeding” and said he wouldn’t change course _ even as the U.S. death toll rose to 4,000 and the war …