. . . And from someone who can be president. But no wonder most Americans don’t recognize Truth spoken to power when they hear it. They’ve never heard it from chimpy.
. . . And from someone who can be president. But no wonder most Americans don’t recognize Truth spoken to power when they hear it. They’ve never heard it from chimpy.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The fourth installment from the Daily Matzo, a rare extant parchment throw-away rag of 30 A.D. Jerusalem coffee shops, chronicles the unprecedented events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of one Joshua Ben Joseph, the Galilean boat builder, and coincidentally, the “Son of God.” [Daily Matzo] Editor’s Preface of April 9, 30 A.D. : All Jerusalem is astir this …
So, there were a couple of hearings on Iraq yesterday in the Senate. There was the predictable charts and graphs showing a reduction in violence in Baghdad, the main target of the “surge.” (Surprising just how much ethnic cleansing a few well-motivated death squads can accomplish when they really put their minds to it.) And in Western Iraq, where the …
Early this Saturday morning, Temple guards, on orders from the high priest, acting on a tip from an anonymous source, discovered the torn and shattered remains of one Judas Iscariot, in the near vicinity of the deep and narrow ravine west of the city known to all as the Valley of Hinnom; the dump of all Jerusalem.
He trusted in God to deliver him. He even claimed to be the Son of God— look at him now— crucified between two thieves.
Numerous crimes aside from murder, including betrayal of governmental trust, also carry the death penalty, and the visitation of justice is sure and swift. —The Urantia Book URANTIA — [C.U.News] In a development today that surprised even veteran DC reporters, not a single Republican was indicted, convicted, resigned, or announced a sudden overwhelming urge to spend more time with his …
That’s how Glenzilla (Glenn Greenwald), describes the juvenile delinquents who are running our MSM in his new book “Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics.” Here’s an excerpt, taken from his blog today, titled “The U.S. establishment media in a nutshell” : Most certainly, the press will pretend to be above it all (“this is not something …