What Happened: The Culturing of Deception [UPDATE]

Today, Jay Rosen over at Huffington Post uses a slightly different analysis to come to the same conclusion as moi last Saturday re what I’ll call here The McClellan Mushroom Strategy: Keep him in the dark and feed him loads of shit: One of Bush’s strengths is his eye for human weakness. The towel-snapping humor is based on this. It …

They Wanna Do What They Wanna Do!

Our friend Driftglass has a gaggle of fine people who comment over there, and in our continuing effort to get them over here, I occasionally take their pithy comments and share them here. Because good ideas need to be shared, that’s why. Okay. I have gardening to do, too. Tanbark said: Did Jane Hamsher post that at FDL, because she …

What Happened: The Culturing of Deception

Former Bush Administration Press Secretary Scott McClellan‘s new tell-all book, What Happened:Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception, hasn’t even officially hit the bookshelves yet and there is already a ton of reviews and political analyses, thanks to advance copies provided to the well-connected. My local Borders is not among the elite, however, so I’m going to …

The Strange Universe

As readers of The Urantia Book, you’d think we might occasionally search “teh internets” to see what’s out there that speaks of it. Well we do— occasionally. Recently we found a segment on The UB from a TV series called “Strange Universe,” circa 1996. The mildly galactic, silly-subliminal strobe-fest, complete with a shot of the alien autopsy stuffed in for …


The Party Under The Bus Of course the Bus we’re talking about isn’t the “Straight-Talk Express,” AKA, “The Lobby-Knobby Express,” piloted by John McSame, the Greedy Old Party’s nominee for Commander-in-Chief of the World president of the United States. The bus we’re talking about, as well as all of Washington, is the Scott McClellan man-of-war, the Milquetoast Marauder— no, the …

Because Someone Should Show You.

This vid was released on the 18th, and 460,000  1.4 million people have seen it already. You should too.

Paying The GI Jackson

WASHINGTON — John McCain defended his plan for veterans’ college benefits Monday, as both he, and Barack Obama spoke to veterans on Memorial Day. Hillary Clinton campaigned Monday in Puerto Rico. Obama and McCain have sparred from a distance recently over the bill, sometimes with what the MSM calls “heated words.” In his comments on Memorial Day, McCain did not …