Cookie Monster Redux

You probably thought that when Cindy McCain‘s reputation was sautéed by a low-level campaign staffer who plagiarized the Internets for less than authentic McCain Family recipes for the McCain website, that they would have at least smacked her hand— the intern, not Cindy— and told her to go and sin no more. But the little dollop has had a relapse …

Screw This Up And You’re History

Frank Schaeffer, a survivor of polio, an evangelical/fundamentalist childhood, and many years as a right-wing Republican, says: While Republicans are concentrating on winning in November it seems to me that they have lost sight of the fact that this moment has far greater significance than whatever happens in electoral politics this year. If you listen to the silly chatter on …

The Scattered Brotherhood

Surrendering To Love YOU HAVE UNDERTAKEN THE GREAT ADVENTURE of becoming sons of God, and you have to go through a sort of untangling to reach this place of communion and awareness. Be assured that your sole duty is to go within and dissolve by releasing the outer entanglements, to surrender appetites and forebodings. The question of appetites is different …

Another Darth Cheney Lie Exposed

McClatchy News Services reports: Cheney on Wednesday told the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that “oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida.” “We’re not doing it. The Chinese are in cooperation with the Cuban government.” ”Even the communists have figured out that a good answer to high prices is more supply,” he added. “Yet Congress …

Hey Timmeh. . .

Tim Russert Suddenly, gone to the Next World. Somehow, his graduation is more poignant because we saw him every Sunday on Meet The Press, and during the primary coverage. We may not have agreed with him all the time of course, but a guy trained by Jesuits will find his moments, and Timmeh found more than his share. A big …

Supremes Slap Jr. Over Habeus Violations

Photo credit to How dare the highest court in the land hold our resident White House psychopath accountable for anything, let alone violating the US Constitution, which Bush is said to have called “just a goddamn piece of paper.” Same goes for Dem senators like Carl Levin who supported The Military Commissions Act— Bush’s complicit enablers. Glenzilla does the …

’08 Election Results Accidentally Leaked

Friday The Thirteenth Has Forever Been Redefined WASHINGTON—Properly safeguarding the illusion of democracy is “job one” at Diebold, but nobody’s perfect. Our shadowy Overlords are occasionally exposed to the blinding light of reality when their computers hiccup, today revealing a McCain victory in November’s presidential election more than four months ahead of schedule. Not to worry. Television Networks, ever sensitive …