Ultimate Beauty

Pay Up.jpg
Mahh Man…  Make the 1%ers Pay Their Taxes, “Bitch”

#ClayHuntSAVAct will be signed into law Thursday, fuck you very much Tom Coburn.

David Brooks’ pity party:  Why his defense of Brian Williams is really about the 1 percent salon.com/2015/02/10/dav… via @Salon

Ted Cruz

Once shut down the government with a Dr. Seuss book. 

bit.ly/1FwC1Mo pic.twitter.com/coDpLwx2Dp

“The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama’s chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny,” Brent Waller, Imperial Margarine wizard, wrote in a Stormfront post. “The fudge packers from Hollywood and all major news networks are in shock that the good people from the heart of Dixie are resisting their Imperialist, Communist Homosexual agenda!”


Stewart Refuses

The discernment of supreme beauty
is the discovery and integration of reality:  The discernment
of the divine goodness in the eternal truth,
that is ultimate beauty.

The discernment of the divine #Goodness

in the eternal #Truth

is ultimate #Beauty.

SECULAR TOTALITARIANISM! Now With Even More Sucky-ness.

Secularism frees us from ecclesiastical slavery— only to betray us into the tyranny of political and economic slavery.

Cosmological Questions For Lunch.

Day 24,510 On This Planet But first: Remember:  On average, stars are no closer together than say, a dozen oranges would be at maximum equidistance from each other inside the volume of the sphere of the earth. Please answer, if you can: Where and or how did time and space originate? Who (or what) created the universe(s)? What is reality? What is life, and how …

On Planet Urantia. Still.

DAY 24,505  On  This  Planet. 

I feel like WE are Groot, today.  I don’t feel like spelling it out more than that.  I may get a double-take, or an “Excuse me??” stare, but that’s become a lot more frequent a response to me this decade, anyway.


WE are Groot.”



Centrally Scrutinized: Again. And Again.

Many of you have realized, at last, that imaginary guitar notes, and imaginary vocals, exist only in the imagination of the imaginer… and ultimately, who gives a fuck, anyway…

McConnell Is Baaaaack… And It’s Your Fault.

Mitch McConnell’s strategy of blaming everything that’s wrong in the world on Barack Obama has been wildly effective.