Do You Really Know What Love Is?

           Do you know what love is?   God is Love— but love is not God. The greatest manifestation of divine love for mortal beings is his divine gift bestowal of the Spirit in us, but our greatest revelation of the Father’s love is seen in the bestowal life of his Son Michael as he lived on …

Behavioral Economics: The Big Short Part III, The DK Effect Part VI

Tune into any of the three major business news channels and you’ll be treated to an endless parade of “experts” framing that day or week’s trading activities with narratives that, on the surface, seem to explain what’s driving the market at any given time. But after a couple of decades of watching these people, I’ve concluded that a great deal of their “analysis” is simply designed to keep the rubes in the game by providing seemingly “rational” explanations for what are largely high frequency, computer driven trading schemes that use “dark pools” of money and others forms of subterfuge to separate investors from their money.

The Big Short Part II: The DK Effect Part V

In a series of visual puns, Margot Robbie describes the collapse of the real estate bubble while sipping bubbly in a bubble bath, in this synopsis of The Big Short, nominated by Oscar for best film

Drumpf is the Result of the Crisis in the Do Nothing Republican Party

What’s Wrong With This Picture?  Yes, his mouth is open, but that’s not it. It’s that 44″ tie there that’s blowin’ in his wind.  This is exactly what Drumpf will look like as president, telling the press to “Get off my lawn!”— the lawn of his private Ireland “White House” golf course estate, and to go have sex with themselves back in Amerika. Several …

TrumPenstein Redux (Updated)

But now that the Trumpestein monster has broken his restraints and left the table, marauding across the countryside and terrorizing the peasants (cue music: The Monster Mash…it caught on in a flash.), the GOP is forced to reanimate the issue.

Carly Fiorina’s War Against Planned Parenthood Blows Up In Her Face

Carly Fiorina encouraging kids to take their country back from Planned Parenthood

Teh Stupid: Donald Trump Replaces Sarah Palin

Trump is rapidly proving that he is only too competent to replace Palin as the embodiment of Teh Stupid.