Willard Brings A Butter Knife To Drumpf’s Gunfight

You wouldn’t buy a used anything from this guy; but how about some advice on der Drumpf? So the Republican Party has finally turned against Donald Drumpf, the monster it created, in an excess of self-righteous hypocrisy. It’s a classic case of what historian Ian Kershaw once described as “the sinking ship leaving the rat.” Anytime you trot out Mitt …

Donald Drumpf at CPAC & Romney Suggests a Brokered Convention

Well, its time again for the annual Wingnut Woodstock, the Conservative Political Action Conference, aka CPAC. (For past coverage see here; here;and here.) This year’s even will be held in National Harbor, Maryland. (Hopefully, without the bed bugs that plagued the 2011 convention in Washington, D.C.). Featured speakers include all the present GOP presidential wannabes, including gentle Dr. Ben Carson, who …

Make Donald Drumpf Again

Hey, if Making America Great Again means destroying the most obstructionist political party in modern history, then Drumpf Is The Man.

The Trump Phenomenon: Thank Fox News

From the film Ghostbusters: Fig Newton Gingrich in the role of Gozer The Traveler * Here we go again. Back in August, we posted Trumpenstein, in which we laid the creation of the Trump Phenomenon squarely at the feet of Fux News: His political persona is as much a creation of the political arm of the GOP, Fux News, as it is …

Broker This

However, thanks to the Great White Leviathan with the orange fringe on top, currently poised to win the GOP nomination, not only would they lose an opportunity to take over the White House, but might result in their loss of the Senate, and the Supreme Court for a generation. Their only hope is a brokered convention. And that would likely result in destruction of the party if they try to screw the Tea Party and nominate another establishment Republican.

Ben Carson Joins Dopes 4 Snopes Club

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

Super Bowl 50 Not So Super for Jeb!

During Super Bowl 50, when Bernie Sanders was the Denver Bronco defense and Jeb! Bush was the Carolina Panthers offense, somebody thought it was a good idea to spend $5 million to run a commercial for Jeb!, featuring his village idiot brother.