Intelligent Design #47

Intelligent Design   Number 47 in a Series    UFOs photoshopped over Denver. That’s right, they’re fake.  But. They still look pretty damned cool sailing over the metro-Denver area.  I do not doubt they fly along the front range all the time, having accidentally photographed saucer-shaped UFOs on three different occasions over the years in the Denver-Boulder area.  I know of …

Oo Oo That Smell

There’s a lot of flatulence being aired lately about the Democrats “empowering” Rush Limbaugh, by characterizing him as the voice and energy of the Republican Party.

Sailing The Cyber Sea

My journey started over at Distributor Cap‘s place.  Just an innocent morning meander of our blog roll, since Blog Roll Amnesty Day is bearing down on the inter-toobers.  Getting to know the blogo-neighbors is really part and parcel of being a blogger in the first place;  it’s cyberspace exploration at it’s most exhilarating. Like Blue Gal, DC has one of …

A Higher Gear

  “The intellectual factors of religion are important, but their over­de­vel­op­ment is likewise sometimes very handicapping and embarrassing.” — The Urantia Book     In a thrift store recently I saw a framed sign for sale. I didn’t buy it, but remembered it.  It said:                           Life is a test.                         It is only a test.                         If it had …

Joe the Reporter (Update 2)

Joe the PlumberWar Reporter, checking in from Israel, says reporters shouldn’t be reporting on war: “I’ll be honest with you. I don’t think journalists should be anywhere allowed war. I mean, you guys report where our troops are at. You report what’s happening day to day. You make a big deal out of it. I-I think it’s asinine. You know, …

The World of the Cross

Our world— Urantia— has become known among other neighboring inhabited planets as the “World of the Cross.” For newbies to this blog who’ve never heard of The Urantia Book, just the caption on the photo above holds the potential to make their head explode. “. . . neighboring inhabited planets”??  Uh huhh. But.  Yeah.  If all you’ve ever thought of …

Knocking On Death’s Door

Although the death scenes in these two well-produced tubes were selected for their cinematic qualities,  they can still set the mood for a more serious contemplation of your own mortality. Check’m out. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] I don’t need to tell you how large the idea of death looms in our collective consciousness, in our daily lives.  After all, people are dying …