Apocalyptic Clusterphuquers

Apocalyptic blowhards Jerry Jenkins and Timmeh LaHaye, co-authors of the hysterically ironic “Left Behind” series, join Sarah Palin’s fave buttboy, Sean Hannity in the latest conservatard craze, “Palin’ It.”

Don’t Eat Me

REDONDO BEACH — A deliciously foggy morning in Redondo, and along the Strand thousands of pounds of captive sea food is again bracing for the possibility of being boiled alive and eaten.

God Spies On Russians

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHOPxVM6oIw[/youtube] Well this proves God is on our side, right?  Right? Well no.  It proves his immutable laws can create conditions which can occasionally produce clouds most of us have never seen.  This unusual cloud is known as a “fallstreak hole,” or “punch hole” cloud, and was filmed in Russia and ‘Tubed.  The technical explanation is here. Still.  Awesome.


Jaded astronomy wonks will typically tell you that with the naked eye most of us can only distinguish about 2,500 stars under ideal conditions. What nonsense.

Top Ten “Higher Callings” of Sarah Palin

You betcha we’re intrigued by the phrase “higher calling,”so we pushed our moose steaks aside and looked at the ten most likely possibilities for a wingnut ex-governor…

Palinnosaurus wrex

Some people will tell you there are at least two good reasons why Sarah Palin will still be around the political scene in 2012, that she is no “dumb bunny” just because Katie Couric was able to repeatedly make a fool out of her, and that she is really very clever.

Rethuglican Creation Narrative

Yee haw! Ridin’ high at the Creation Museum’s triceratops rodeo Among the many problems confronting the Rethuglicans in their attempt to rebuild themselves into a viable political party is this one, reflected in this poll last year from Gallup: PRINCETON, NJ — There is a significant political divide in beliefs about the origin of human beings, with 60% of Republicans …