Evolution? Nope. Sarah believes in Creationism. That means she believes that Noah had a little fruit fly cage aboard the ark, where he kept a pair of fruit flies, right next to millions of other little cages with pairs of insects in them. But. Sarah is clearly jealous of the little critters. They’ve been to Paris; she hasn’t.

Mad Little McScience

The Google looks down on Adler Planetarium From Adler Planetarium. [D]uring the presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee, Senator John McCain made the following statement: McCain: “While we were working to eliminate these pork barrel earmarks he (Senator Obama) voted for nearly $1 billion in pork barrel earmark projects. Including $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, …

Killing Two Birdbrains With One Stone

Palin is “Religulous,” but Maher is “RiDICKulous.” Bill Maher‘s new mooovie, Religulous, is not going to make it on Sarah Palin’s “to do” list this year, or any other. And it’s a shame too, because Sarah Palin, if she had been willing to talk to Maher, would have been just the sort of interview he should have put in the …

Reality Bites

More galaxies than grains of sand on every beach of this world. Taken with the Hubble Deep Field, January 15, 1996 Since it’s a lovely morning, why don’t we take stock of a few things that most of us take for granted. Let’s start with some practical aspects of “reality.”  Here we are— billions of us— whizzing through time and …

Palin To Sell Bridge To Nowhere & Wolf Legs On Ebay

DEADMOOSE, Alaska (C.U.News) Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin said she told Congress “No thanks” to The Bridge To Nowhere, and plans to sell it and other items on Ebay. Returning from a short hunting trip to the Alaskan wilderness, Palin spoke to a handful of respectful and deferential reporters at a small airfield in this isolated Alaskan township. “Along …

Thwarting The Lord

  Phil Burress poses with full-page antiporn ad. Phil Burress, head pin of the Ohio-based Citizens for Community Values, recently said of John McCain: “We don’t like him, and he doesn’t like us.” But Burress has even more recently found his nostrils wedged into McCain’s right armpit, following a little Come-to-Jebus moment with the aged Maverick. With the powerful scent …

The Lost Sheep

Dr. James Dobson exposing gay troubadour and inanimate object, Sponge Bob. James Dobson cannot speak for me. Before God, as we all are, he may only speak for himself. If one thing could be clear about our relationship with God as a Father, it should be that he loves us as individuals, and he judges us as individuals. When Dr. …