What A Cool Extraterrestrial Alien Would Actually Say If One Made Contact With Us

SINCE EARTHLINGS LACK the means of expedient intergalactic travel, formal contact with extraterrestrial alien life from other worlds will necessarily be their choice. This implies they really have a reason for contacting us, since they could have made contact whenever they wanted. Maybe.

Pressin’ The Chikin Franchise Flesh

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pruitt pressed some “CHIKIN” franchise flesh recently, while spreading a little moral turpitude in Morocco.*


The greatest book of all time,* the “Art Of The Deal,” has no advice to help us with the rapidly mutating calamity of the choosing of a mentally ill narcissist to play president.

The Trump Titanic Has Sailed

It’s all-ahead flank for the Drumpf Tramp Steamer right now; but some of us already know where this leviathan shit-scow is headed.

Top 5 Reasons Why You And The Dude Should Read The Urantia Book

So dude— how’re those New Year’s Resolutions working out for you. . . Still weigh the same? (Me too.) Still self-medicating too much? (Yeah.) Still not exercising (bowling is not exercise) every day? (Me either.) Maybe you should just read a great book instead. A real l l l l ly great book.

Urantia Notebook of Sir Hubert Wilkins

The pages that Wilkins copied show his embrace of the perennial questions of science, philosophy and religion, as well as a keen interest in the many multi-dimensional orders of beings with whom we share the universe and this planet. In Sir Hubert, I have found a kindred spirit.

The Martian

    Though I haven’t yet determined whether I think that the movie The Martian is the best flick I’ve ever seen (Blade Runner, also a Ridley Scott production, being my long time fave; Prometheus was his previous film), it is certainly the most involving because of its strong emotional component and its geeky appeal. The movie’s Robinson Caruso in …