The Apostle James Zebedee

Perhaps no other single family contributed more to the work of the mission of Jesus than that of Zebedee. The Zebedee brothers, James and John followed two other brothers, Andrew and Peter, into the apostolic core, and David Zebedee was indispensable as the organizer and manager of a messenger service for the Master’s work. Here then is The Urantia Book’s account of the apostle James Zebedee.


MANKIND HAS ALWAYS wished for a “sign” from the Gods, an augury of such indisputable, authoritative power as to sweep any and all doubts and misgivings aside. And man didn’t hesitate to ask when the opportunity arose to ask God straight out.


Andrew   •   Terry Kruger Jesus the Son of God was a man among men, and the men closest to him were twelve diverse, unique personalities of that day.  The Bible and apocrypha do contain some historical insights concerning these men, notably the doubting nature of Thomas, the inexplicable cowardice of Peter denying his Master;  the betrayal of Judas.  But until …

The Scattered Brotherhood

Lift Your Spirit IN THESE TIMES you cannot afford to meet the shock of life with emotion; you cannot hate, you cannot fear.  The evil that you see has always been here;  the ignorance is not for you to judge, nor should you respond to it even in the sense of so-called righteous indignation.  We have tried to teach you …

Better Know Jesus #9; His Sacrilegious Art

A “versatile and aggressive child”— drawing on the schoolhouse floor.

A Passage Of Time

From my deck, I look out over the ridge of Red Gulch, a little hogback belonging to the Lyons formation, a sturdy sedimentary ridge layed down more than three hundred million years ago. It is part of a living geological textbook, written on a grandiose scale of time and place. The molecules of dust we occasionally wipe off our furniture was once alive.

The Most Interesting Man In The World

The Most Interesting Man In The World Is Not This Guy.