What Happens When We Die?

Most of us, if we think about our inevitable death at all, usually only think of one kind of death: the physical cessation of life. But there are really three kinds of death: Physical (body and mind) death; Intellectual (mind) death; and Spiritual (soul) death.

The Shores Of Paradise

In a well-neigh limitless universe, the mortal races of our planet, Urantia, stand as the representatives of the lowest order of intelligent and personal creation. And it is a solemn and supernal fact that such lowly and material creatures are “the sons of God,” faith children of the Highest Deity in the universe.

Read It To Believe It

The Urantia Papers— the “fifth epochal revelation”— constitute the most recent presentation of truth to the entire mortal population of Urantia.  The “papers” differ from all previous revelations propounded in the spiritual realm, in that they are not the work of a single universe personality, but a composite presentation by many beings. “But no revelation short of the attainment of …

The Supreme Adventure

The transcendent goal of the children of time is to find the eternal God, to comprehend his divine nature, and to recognize the Universal Father as he is in Paradise.

The Learning Curve

It is the mission of religion to prepare man for bravely, even heroically, facing the vicissitudes of life. Religion is evolutionary man’s supreme endowment, the one thing which enables him to carry on and “endure as seeing Him who is invisible.”

Read It With Friends.

The brotherhood of men is founded on the fatherhood of God. The family of God is derived from the love of God–God is love. God the Father divinely loves his children, all of them.

Let The light In

On a billion screens like yours, a billion people are watching the technology of search transforming millions of isolated books into the Library of All Human Knowledge. The old saw has been turned on its axis: a lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing.