Bush Aspirates A Goal For Surrender In Iraq

A Charge To Keep, by W.H.D. Koerner The above painting was proudly displayed in Governor George Bush‘s office in Austin, Texas. As Crooks and Liars describes it: In 1995, he issued a memo to his Texas staff, describing the painting, by W.H.D. Koerner in 1916, which he kept on his office wall. Bush told his aides: The…painting is based upon …

Phil Gramm Resigns From McCain Debacle

Phil Gramm, a once overly proud and supposedly well-educated Republican who succumbed to the corruption of the evil influence of power and politics, was sent down the McCain Mountain of Straight Talk Slag late Friday night, slinking off into the violent storm brewing on the “time horizon.” A “time horizon” is a supposedly fixed point in the future at which …

Obama: One Step Ahead

“A Head of Our Times” —Terry Kruger Yesterday, Barack Obama appeared with Indiana Senator (and veep prospect) Birch Bayh at a forum at Purdue University where he continued to articulate his national security vision. As The Indiana Star reported it: … Obama argued that the Bush administration has not stayed “one step ahead of the threats of the 21st century.” …

Obama’s Cites Environmental Challenges As Greatest National Security Threat

Findings of the US Climate Change Science Program While the vast amount of media coverage of Obama’s speech on national security today will focus on Iraq and Afghanistan, I would note what Obama himself says is the greatest single security threat to the US (and the world): This immediate danger is eclipsed only by the long-term threat from climate change, …

Manchurian McCain

The New Joeker cover is catching shit from the Rebuplican Right; we think you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. “Satire, like the razor keen, is best when scarcely felt or seen.” —Terry Kruger, after unknown IF YOU LOOKED CAREFULLY, you could probably spot the first satirical drawing by a human being in one of the rooms at Lascaux; no doubt some …

The New Yorker: Rethuglican’s Useful Idiot

[T]he ‘content’ of a medium is like the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind. –Marshall McLuhan Notwithstanding that people who suffer damage to the right parahippocampal gyrus are incapable of registering sarcasm (sometimes equated with satire, an arguable difference being the use of irony by the former to merely demean versus …

McCain’s Internet Savvy

Cindy takes John Sidney out for his first spin on the InnerTubes, part of the new high-tech frontier of Teh Internets he’s getting hip to. McCain said he was pretty sure certain he was “feeling the urge to email” now, and that the big GOP Elephant tube felt “really good” between his legs. “The internet is not something that you …