Never Give Up, Never Surrender!
Commander-in-Cheese, John “Peter Quincy Taggart” McCain says he will “Never surrender” his fantasy world…
Commander-in-Cheese, John “Peter Quincy Taggart” McCain says he will “Never surrender” his fantasy world…
Latest Development in the McSame, Obama, Hilton Smackdown In keeping with his campaign’s desperate attempt to ‘undefine’ him as “McSame” and to recapture his sullied maverick brand of old, John McCain went on the attack again yesterday, this time at the South Dakota Sturgis biker rally (where he babbled incoherently and tried to enter his plastic-fantastic wife into the annual …
Top Pentagon Aide Debra Cagan After a top aide to Def. Secretary Robert Gates, Debra Cagan told her British counterparts during a meeting that “I hate all Iranians,” the Pentagon has rolled out a new line of spokesdrones to avoid such PR disasters in the future. The Onion has the scoop. Pentagon’s Unmanned Spokesdrone Completes First Press Conference Mission”>
Dana Milbank, in drag BREAKING: After WAPO reporter Dana Milbank, formerly a Keith Olbermann Countdown regular, refused to explain why he had taken Barak Obama‘s “symbol” comments out of context (which set off a firestorm of controversy last week), Olbermann announced today that, WRT his show, Dana is history. (Minutes later, Milbank shows up on CNN‘s Campbell Brown‘s show, Olbermann’s …
John “Pander Bear” McCain trailered into the Sturgis Bike Rally today. STURGIS SD — Appearing in an unusual pastiche of “biker” raiment, Senator John McCain gave a live performance Monday at the Buffalo Chip Campground in front of several hundred intoxicated and bemused bikers. With the sound of automatic weapons fire reverberating in the background from the camp’s newest feature— …
Urban renewal project in beautiful downtown Baghdad Chris Matthews‘ substitute host, McCain enthusiast Mike Barnicle, reacted incredulously Wednesday to a comment by Iraq war vet Jon Soltz, co-founder and chairman of, that the so-called “surge” has not been a success. Pressed by Barnicle, who reflects the corporatist media’s official narrative of the surge, Soltz made a number of arguments: …
The McCain Ad Team has been infiltrated— Is “The ONE” ready to lead?!? Wul, Hhyuh, Grandpa. . . Why duh ya think they call him “The ONE”? The ONE— Disabling the onslaught of evil Repuglidung pellets hurled up by the McSame Camp Pain in sheer desperation Buzz this ad up on YouTube; maybe they’ll keep making this kind of mistake …