I Got Other Things To Do

Wow. The word “veterans” never made it into McPOW’s acceptance speech; our next “Commander-in-Chief”? But thanks anyway, GI’s— we support the troops! Until you become “veterans” with “problems.” Remember, you’re just damned lucky you get to fight for a country with free speech! But now you’re on your own.  Deal with it. The Commander-in-Chief has other things to do. • …


[quicktime]https://php74.urantiansojourn.com/wp-content/uploads/video/WariPhone-iPhone.m4v[/quicktime] IN THE PAST, a fierce war would bring about social changes and facilitate the adoption of new ideas, such as would not have occurred naturally in ten thousand years. But the terrible price paid for these certain advantages was that society was temporarily thrown back into savagery; civilized reason had to abdicate. War is strong medicine, incredibly costly and …

Up Yur Snoot With A Leather Boot

Don’t worry, Sarah Palin stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

My Favorite Moment Of McCain’s Speech

Don’t know if this was a media pool camera shot or not, but clicking through the channels it seemed that it might have very well been. I think I saw it on MSNBC. Anyone else see it on a different channel?

P.P.O.W. McPoleon

Permanent Prisoner Of War, John McCain “A picture is worth a thousand words.“ — Napoleon Bonaparte

Palin’s Fatal Fundamental Flaw

McPalin wowed the base* with Rovian rancor and division; what’s new. Maybe Sarah Palin was a fine mayor of Wasilli; I ‘ownt even know. And, if in the performance of her “actual responsibilities” as governor of Alaska, she got a bad cop off the street and spared a family some domestic violence, well that’s wonderful. Alaska, and by extension, The …