•  •  •  SCATOLOGY WEEK  •  •  • We can work it out. Leaving a Legacy of Shit for Barack to clean up may be the smartest thing Dick-Bush ever did. (Hold your nose and click it.) I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up.  I’ve had enough shit from the Dick-Bush Debacle (D-BD) the past eight years to …

Republican Dog Food (Update 3)

Rethuglican self-immolation syndrome GOP Takes Another Image Hit Post-Election by Lydia Saad November 20, 2008 PRINCETON, NJ — The Republican Party’s image has gone from bad to worse over the past month, as only 34% of Americans in a Nov. 13-16 Gallup Poll say they have a favorable view of the party, down from 40% in mid-October. The 61% now …

Lieberman Buys Lunch

•  •  •  SCATOLOGY WEEK  •  •  • Joe Lie berman offers up a ginormous double shitburger to the Senate Democrats that allowed him to continue as chairman of two senate committees. “I made it myself,” quipped Lieberman. WASHINGTON — Senator Joe the Lie berman, with McCain Campaign trail makeup still etched in the folds of his face, presented the …

Ted Stevens Eats It, With Jelly.

Ex-senator of Alaska Ted Stevens, looking more upbeat than usual, was just handed a steaming hot cow pie by Alaskan citizens who would like to see that he gets everything he deserves, whether he knows it or not.

Bush Behind Bars

People, get ready.  Justice is coming. You don’t believe it, do you.  Not in your wildest dreams do you think you’ll see Junior Dubya the killer joker sitting in  a holding tank, waiting for James Baker or some other Bush Family toad to come post his bail. So what does that say about America.  That our president can use lies …

Limbaugh Goes To Hell

Chicken wingnut “Grand Pusbot” Rush Limpbaugh, in full wingnut regalia, photo-opped with the Satan Twins and their twin cats, Baal, and Chain, during his recent trip to Hell.

Palintology 101

Sarah Palin will never hold national office, nor will any Republican at the presidential level for a long time to come. Why? Because America has uneducated jerks in it but is not a nation of uneducated jerks. The Republicans are done, hoisted on the petard of their own “southern strategy.”