Meghan Like, McModerate

O’HURLAHEE’S PUB — Surrounded by Eric Cartman-like WingNut ugly dolls drinking green beer is not Michael Steele’s idea of reaching out to moderates. It’s Megan McCain’s. “I know I’ve like become controversial and my statements are like controversial, but I wouldn’t be on this bar like in my panties if I didn’t think it was important. Period.”

Pie in the Sky With Diamonds Savings

Where does your slice of the American Pie go? Finally.  George Orwell‘s letters to his mistress are going on the auction block.  But before I can fork over the moolas for one or more of them, a have a few other decisions to make about where my ever slender piece of the yummy munny pie goes.  So listen up, wage …

Deep (And Disturbing) Thought

In his testimony before the US Senate Budget Committee this week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was asked by our favorite socialist Senator,  Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, to identify the recipients  of some $2.2 trillion of taxpayer guaranteed dollars to date (an amount that doesn’t include the $700 billion from Treasury’s TARP program). Bernanke refused to provide the names, claiming that would …

Your Mortgage Is Not My Problem

And now, as a public service to those without the comedy channel, an important bit of satirical news about the Wall Street Infomercial Channel.

Oo Oo That Smell

There’s a lot of flatulence being aired lately about the Democrats “empowering” Rush Limbaugh, by characterizing him as the voice and energy of the Republican Party.


When Sara Palin saw how much weight Rush Limbaugh had gained since the November election, she quietly chickened out of the CPAC debacle…

And They Call It Democracy

Padded with power here they come
International loan sharks backed by the guns
Of market hungry military profiteers
Whose word is a swamp and whose brow is smeared
With the blood of the poor. . .