Why I Love Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann bravely reporting from behind enemy lines Over the last thirty years, the Ruling Class has funded right wing Republican think tanks to perfect the art of political propaganda. Ronald “the Great Communicator” Reagan was the perfect choice to kick off this new media era. During his acting career, Ronnie use to broadcast fake-live baseball games by reading ticker …

The Party Of No Clue

The seemingly always inebriated, chain smoking and perennially tanned Rethuglican House Leader John Boehner (German pronunciation “Boner”) insisted this week on releasing a 19 page, numbers free budget, a supposed alternative to the Democrats’ plan. Reeling from charges that the Rethugs are “the party of no” – no ideas, no ethics, no clue– and despite pleas from less insane party …

Wishin’ Anda Hopin’

Buried under a foot and a half of snow will get you wishing and hoping for the warm sunny days of the future.  Especially a future with Sarah Palin and some other wingnut candidate of what’s left of the GOP, running against Barack Obama. Not only will it ensure his second term, but the full exploration of her support of …

Bush’s New Book

Apparently, disgraced former president George W. Bush is being given a $7 million dollar advance to write a memoir of his disastrous eight years in office, titled Decision Points. Two suggestions for W. First, since you have no credibility outside your small circle of narcissist enablers, you should consider a subtitle that has at least has an air of truth …

Torches And Pitchforks

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cStephen’s Angry Mob Will Crush AIGColbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRap BattleNASA Name Contest Four hundred million years of evolution and Congress still doesn’t know how to GROW A SPINE!?! Stand up to these assholes at AIG and Goldman Sachs and the rest of the banking mafia, or get the hell off the Hill!

Gekko On The Rocks

The evil actors and corrupt cartoon characters at AIG are taking our money their bonuses whether Timothy F. Geithner, or anyone else— likes it or not.

Keeping Pests In Their Place

[T]he GOP may stand for something, but who can tell what it is? You can’t trust them to tell you what they stand for – they’ve been lying for so long that I’m not even sure that they know what their “core principles” are anymore.