
Those cute little racist rascals, Jeffy Sessions and Lindsey Grahamcracker, were as cute as they could be this week, but their cuteness didn’t fool Craig Crawford…

Failin’ Palin Taibbi

She’s inarticulate to the point of entirely unintended hilarity, the worst thing to happen to the English language since Mr. Potato Head, and can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Baradiva’s Doomsday Clock

Tick tock, tick tock… Euripides observed that those whom the gods would destroy they first make crazy. Today’s NY Times article, Palin’s Long March to a Short-Notice Resignation documents the Greek tragedy that has become Sarah Baradiva’s sorry little life. Proving that the law of karma is chock-a-block full with irony and not a little humor, the writers save the …

Sean’s Latest Buttload

Normally, it’s prudent to ignore Sean Hannity, an infantile little shit-stick who can look you in the eye and lie unblinking. But not today.

Palinnosaurus wrex

Some people will tell you there are at least two good reasons why Sarah Palin will still be around the political scene in 2012, that she is no “dumb bunny” just because Katie Couric was able to repeatedly make a fool out of her, and that she is really very clever.

Charity in Truth

Why does it take 250,000 sperm to fertilize an egg?* What liberal leftist commie pinko came up with this agenda? * Resisting a “downsizing” of social security systems; * Support for labor unions and the rights of workers in a global economy marked by mobility of labor; * Combating hunger “by investing in rural infrastructures, irrigation systems, transport, organization of …

Godzilla From Wasilla Meets The Texas Outlaw

More than once in my travels in Alaska, people brought up, without prompting, the question of Palin’s extravagant self-regard.  Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of “narcissistic personality disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders— “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of …