Sentients And Lizard People

It’s not every day that Bill Maher gets it right, but when he does, he really does. America is loaded with “Lizard People.” “People” who wonder where the sun goes at night. People with the collective mental acumen of crab grass.


Well it was bound to happen; now wait ten seconds before someone says it’s a fake!

Bussin’ In The Black Shirts (UPDATE)

With the success of the Blue Dogs allied with the Rethugs to delay a vote on health care reform before Congress’ summer recess,  the ad wars have begun. No surprise there. But now a new escalation is afoot. From Randi Rhodes’ blog today: So right wing organizers are targeting the town halls of Democrats with angry mobs. It’s a good …

Can We Trade In Our Blue Dog Clunkers For More Efficient Legislators And Boost The Economy Thereby?

Crank up the volume Nice to report a feel good story on the economy for a change. I speak, of course, of the Cash For Clunkers program that was hugely over-subscribed, exhausting its initial $1 billion funding in a mere six days. At an average of $4,000 per carbon spewing, global climate heating clunker, that means 250,000 new cars vanished …

The Teachable Moment Goes Down

The “teachable moment” promised by president Obama which the hapless MSM dubbed teh Beer Summit has gone into the history books without so much as a footnoted burp. Fortunately— or not— some press monkey was thoughtful enough to bring a parabolic mike to the sidelines where the White House corralled the press core after an initial mingle moment, and has produced this remarkable transcript of the event.

Breaking News: Sarah Quits Quitting (UPDATED)

Immolation Of Sarah Palin During A Session Of Unsupervised Self-Reflection WASILLA, ALASKA  [C.U. News] Responding to an emergency call at the Palin estate in Wasilla late last night, county firemen forced their way into a locked den and found what they believe are the ashy remains of Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor. “It was a really weird scene,” said …

“There Is Absolutely No Plan”

Ex-governor and potential leader of the free world, Sarah Palin made it clear: “I cannot express enough there is no plan after July 26. There is absolutely no plan.”