Teh Dumb Fux
I watched this segment live, but the ten minutes go by too fast to really let it sink in. Listen and read it to fully understand we’re dealing with a failed political party of staggeringly ignorant people. . .
I watched this segment live, but the ten minutes go by too fast to really let it sink in. Listen and read it to fully understand we’re dealing with a failed political party of staggeringly ignorant people. . .
Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe announced this week that he won’t even read let alone sign whatever health care reform bill emerges from the Senate. Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) has told a town hall meeting that he doesn’t need to read legislation on healthcare reform or to know any details of what’s in it, he will oppose it out of hand. …
According to leading wingnut Rethug Rep. Michell Bachmann, who chose to spend her vacation time courting wingers from another state (Colorado) when she could have been responding to the concerns of her own, Democratic attempts at heath care reform have …the strength to destroy this country forever….What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, …
Jacques Ellul points out the key role that “power words” play… …to break the barrier of the individual’s indifference. They must penetrate like bullets; they must spontaneously evoke a set of images and and have a certain grandeur of their own timeliness…To the extent that propaganda is based on current events , it cannot permit time for thought or reflection. …
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It’s late 1889— baby Adolf stares blankly into the lens of his father’s primitive camera, who is oblivious to the fact that little Adolf’s tiny amygdalae are already busy birthing a global nightmare.