Racism, Propaganda, And Health Care Reform

An attendee at today’s teabagger protest on the D.C. Mall In the never-ending triumph of form over substance, politics over policy, and emotionally charged food fights over actual debate, the MSM occasionally interjects some reality into their coverage of complex issues like health care reform. Example in a moment. Take the issue du jour— fictional health care insurance for non-documented immigrants, …

Congressman Wilson’s Wingnut Credentials

During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq and the debate over whether Saddam Hussein had re-constituted his WMD program, a photo surfaced showing him in a friendly and fateful 1983 meeting with Donald Rumsfeld. The Daily Mail wrote a contemporaneous article about how the US supplied various chemical weapon precursors to Saddam in advance of his US sponsored war …

You Lie!

Despite his new status as hero to the reptard right wingnut casserole, Joe Wilson’s seemingly courageous act of career-ending stupidity was really an act of cowardice; for what he really wanted to yell was this: “FUCK YOU YOU ARROGANT SOCIALIST NIGGER!”

A Winger Folk Hero Is Born

South Carolina Congressman, Joe Wilson (Winger- SC) In the middle of this evening’s address by President Obama to a joint session of Congress, a forum with a long history of decorum, South Carolina Republican Congressman Joe Wilson shouted out (from the relative anonymity of a large audience) —  Liar “You lie!” Congressman Wilson was responding to the president’s assertion that …

The Religion of Nice

So here we are, wallowing in our dysfunction. Governed — if you listen to the rabble rousers — by a black nationalist from Kenya smuggled into the United States to kill Sarah Palin’s baby. And yes, I could almost buy their belief that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, only I think he shipped them to Washington, where they’ve been recycled as lobbyists and trained in the alchemy of money laundering, which turns an old-fashioned bribe into a First Amendment right.

The Warm Up

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRVB4kq59Sw&eurl[/youtube] “I want health insurance that works as well for the American people as it does for the insurance industry.” —President Barack Obama