When Teh SOCIALISM Comes!

When Teh SOCIALISM comes… Teh Great White Stoopid will be dressed up like rodeo clowns and forced to live in feed lots with the other cattle. Right to Far Right: Rush Limbaugh (with ginormous man-boobs), Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint (with banjo), Bill O’Reilly, Max Baucus (chicken suit), Glenn Beck, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell (in back), Rick Santorum, (seated), Sarah Palin …

Arizona Rep Calls Obama “Enemy of Humanity”

At the wingers’ How to Take Back America Conference last weekend in St.Louis, Rep. Trent Franks, [Rethug-AZ] ratchets up the hate rhetoric against President Obama, calling him “an enemy of humanity.”

The Great Brain Robbery

Last week ABC premiered a new one hour sci-fi drama series called Fast Forward. The premise involves a mysterious worldwide 2 minute 17 second long blackout. People driving automobiles, flying in airplanes, or undergoing shock therapy to remove all traces of Glenn Beck shows from their neural circuitry, die. The survivors awake with the ability to see their individual futures exactly 6 months in the future.


The contents of General McCrystal’s top-down review of Afghanistan ordered by President Obama found its way into the front pages of the NY Times and Washington Post today. As expected, it paints a grim picture and calls for more of everything– more troops, more money, more nation building– on top of the $ 4 billion a month we’re already spending …

Apple Shoes

Louis Black, after a good nap. BOULDER — Louis Black was in Boulder last night, chatting up the locals. He looked and sounded a little tired of it all, you know— having to tell jokes about all the adult children who are happy to continue shitting on the levers of capitalism until their butt skin is raw— and made the …

Rare T-Bagger Spotted

Dickheads are of course, a dime a dozen at Tea Bagger rallies, but the 9-12 rally in D.C. which, depending on how much propaganda you can swallow, drew nearly 50 quadrillion angry pure-bred Americans, including this rare Tea-Bagger Dickhead, sporty a ginormous scrotum where his jowls should have been.

The Blind Leads the Blind

Great Big Baby and colossal shithead Glen Beck has become the de facto poster-tard of the — well— whatever-the-fuck you want to call them, out there on the fringes of sentient reality. And he’s now serving up shit that only his sheeple can appreciate; what the rest of us should recognize as classic sociological propaganda. The 9-12 Fool Festival was a very real attempt to impose this festering plate full of fecal goojoo on the rest of us.