The Crown Jewel of Stupidism [sic]

Decked out in full RWNJ regalia, Michele Bachmann riles up the Yakusa. The crown jewel of Michele Bachmann‘s (R-Minn.) winger tea-ara is a GOPper sheep.  Not surprisingly, then, at a health care forum on Monday at the Mayo Clinic, she suggested that health care reform in America would lead to a Yakusa-like “gangster government” that would cause the GOPper sheep— …

Teh Crazy Poll

From my Republican Dog Food post: Citing the public’s “. . .deep seeded antipathy toward the president, the war, gas prices, the economy, foreclosures and, in some areas, the underlying cultural differences that continue to brand our party,” former Republican Party leader Rep. Tom Davis this week observed that “the Republican brand is in the trash can. . . if …

Please Don’t Ask and Don’t Tell

What’s that smell? Can’t you smell that smell? —Lynyrd Skynyrd STEVE DOUCHEY: All right. Thank you very much for teeing up that clip.  Joining us, very much alive this morning, is Senator John Sidney McCain, affectionately known around here as Captain Underpants. Good morning to you, Captain, sir. SEN. UNDERPANTS: What?  We’re already on?  I’ve gotta change my— um— okay. …


We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans…
The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States,
and the world, and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.


And after listening to several grown Republican men whine about Nancy Pelosi, it’s abundantly clear who the real pussies are on Capital Hill. Poor things!


Yes, even insufferable wags can have genuine epiphanies. So when Chris Matthews thinks he has one on the air and shares it with the rest of us, it’s worth examining if for no other reason than to see if it can help us have one, too.

Obama’s Freeze

According to the Daily Telegraph A 16-year-old girl who was raped in Bangladesh has been given 101 lashes for conceiving during the assault… The girl’s father was also fined and warned the family would be branded outcasts from their village if he did not pay. According to human rights activists, the girl, who was quickly married after the attack, was …