The extraordinary event began unfolding at approximately 9 AM EST at the Bainbridge House Ballroom when a man…strode to the podium and exclaimed, “Peace be upon you. I am the person you know as Jesus of Nazareth.”

The Pinocchio Principle

The party of “family values” has become the lock-step party of “NO!” values; has become the purveyors of lies, selfishness, cowardice, and designing hypocrisy. . .

Republicans Are People Too

Republicans are people too. They just don’t belong in government anymore.

BREAKING Dick Hospitalized

Former de facto President Dick Cheney has been hospitalized with rectal pains, Fox News confirms. The 69-year-old war criminal…

Look At Them Toad Suckers

How about Them Tea Baggers, Ain’t they wags? Sittin’ there suckin’ Them big GOPper-Bags.


[youtube width=”480″ height=”344″][/youtube] I can’t wait for Sarah Palin to weigh in on this scorching satire of the teabaggets, now that she’s been bitch slapped to a pulp by an actress with a sense of humor; something Palin only pretends to have.  My hope is she’ll simply exhaust herself from the increasingly frequent bouts of fake outrage, until she finally …