Blew Dawg Blanche

“Ah don’t answer teh mah party. Ah answer teh this.” Blew Dawg Blanche says, if yew wanna breng the pain, yew must whip it. FAYETTEVILLE — In America, corporations are people, too.  That’s why Arkansas Blew DawgSenator Blanche Meyers Lambert Lincoln has no problem putting their interests ahead of the people of Arkansas, who are pissed off at her on …

The Hatriot Auntie Christ

The “Anti-Christ” is the culmination of 2,000 years of speculation and fabrication by Christian theologians, assorted armchair nutballs, and theotards.™ And what we’re left with today is a story so crazy it would make God himself shake his head in disbelief.

The Palin-McAint Ouija Board Bomb

Huff Po: At the rally on Friday, Sarah Palin proclaimed that the RepubliCon Party isn’t the party of no — “We’re the Party of Hell No!” She derided “this BS coming from the lame-stream media” about “us common-sense conservatives kinda incitin’ violence,” but added, “We know violence isn’t the answer.  When we take up our arms, we’re talkin’ about our …


LYONS, CO — I had to go into town this morning to help my brother and sister Liberals round up a few dozen stray T-Baggers and RepubliCons that were still laying around catatonic in the streets, and get’m on the trains headed for the re-edumacation camps in central Kansas. I was surprised to find this Weakly Whurled News already at …

When Culture Goes Crazy (UPDATED)

The failure of America’s leaders to recognize the importance of unifying her cultural factions by finding ways to bring them together in respect and intelligent patriotism has resulted in an all-out culture war…

McDead Gets His Freak On

Call me old fashioned, call me un-cool; but postmortem lividity just doesn’t cut it as a turn-on. But there is a fringe element out there that apparently finds it to be so, and the opportunistic senatorial cadaver of John “McDead” McCain was out in the clubs tappin’ that shit this weekend.

Fear And Loathing In Boca Grande

: Oops. Looks like someone lost their copy of the RNC’s 2010 fund raising strategy.  Politico obtained a copy and reports: The presentation was delivered by RNC Finance Director Rob Bickhart to top donors and fundraisers at a party retreat in Boca Grande, Florida on February 18, a source at the gathering said. In neat PowerPoint pages, it lifts the …