Clothes Make The Man

According to Rep. Brian Bilbray* (Rhoid-Calif.), “trained professionals” can identify illegal aliens just by looking at their clothes. Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. —Mark Twain Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s Hardball, asked Rep. Brian Bilbray to cite a “non-ethnic aspect” law enforcement agents could use to identify illegal immigrants.  “They will look at …

Teabaggers Survey: A Racism To The Bottom

If the signs Teabaggers routinely display at various gatherings aren’t proof enough of their deep seated racism, a new NY Times / CBS survey should seal the deal.  But before getting to the meat of the matter, some related stats to better understand who we are dealing with. According to the survey, Teabaggers… …are 18% of Americans and tend to …

McMaverick Cadaverick

I’M NOT A MAVERICK!!  NOW GET OUTA MY WHITE HOUSE!! If you wanna bring teh stoopid close, you must click it When you’ve been dead about eighteen months, it’s easy to stop lying forget you’ve  “…always been a Maverick.” Now if you could just remember you’re  f’n dead.

Thank You, Keith.

“That woman is an idiot!” —Keith Olbermann Hoping Keith Olbermann makes this one of his regular weekly comments. We’re certainly going to. • (Unretouched AP photo)

The Loon Ranger & Taunto

The Tea Bags need their asses handed to them in a way that incontrovertibly crushes their insane and haphazard ideology one and for all as the supposed “America” they want to “take back.”


We’ve all suffered through clips of Sarah Palin speeches where she mangles the English language, creating neologisms to suit her surfeit of folksy personality. Well, it seems that her speaking style has gone viral. Much like how individual jive words were combined to create an entire dialogue in the movie Airplane, a new language is sweeping the political landscape– Teabonics. …