The Neuro-Cognitive Wisdom Of George Costanza

Given that cognitive scientists believe that up to 95% of our thinking processes are unconscious, with our 400 million year old lizard brain dominating our half million year old rational brain; given that the lizard brain has as its number one priority the perpetuation of the species (demonstrated in males by the power that the little head exercises over the …

News Actress Gretchen Carlson Wears Fancy Pants

Not only is the president not throwing a tantrum, the president is also not dressing up in Palin-esque chest waders over a haz-mat suit, but is, according to news actress Gretchen Carlson, wearing “fancy pants.”

Queen Meg In Wonderland

HuffPo: The former eBay CEO has spent more than $81 million so far – $71 million from her personal fortune. And if she wins the GOP nomination on Tuesday, it marks only the halfway point in her quest for office. Eighty one million freakin dollars for a freakin gubernatorial primary! Why anyone with so much personal wealth would want to …

Vogons Step Into BP Spill

President Barack Obama and BP CEO Tony Hayward at a surprise meeting with Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council. If you want to hear the poem, you must click it. VOGSPHERE — President Barack Obama met Wednesday in an unscheduled consultation with BP CEO Tony Hayward, and Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council, to …

A Glutton For Punishment

Some people are just sloppy thinkers. They get their little macaroni fingers on a delicious but strictly philosophical entrée, and the next thing you know it’s dribbling down their chinny-chin-chin and onto their anti-gravity vestments.

Deep Thought

If teabaggers were basketball players, they would be tops in the category of ball management. (Warning: Thinking about this too hard may be bad for your psychological health.)

Sarah’s Little Shop Of Government Horrors

During Sarah Palin’s address to the NRA yesterday, she warned them to stay alert because Obama is planning to take all their guns and ammo away, despite any evidence to back up her claim. I’m not aware of a single piece of proposed legislation from either the Congress or the White House to restrict gun ownership. In fact, Obama has …