Sharron Angle, Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin are the reigning supremely stupid. Unless you have been on another planet, you already know we are in one of our nation’s— even the world’s— most critical transitional periods.  And every day now, we learn more about many of our so-called “leaders,” as they increasingly expose themselves as incompetent, corrupt, and unqualified to …

The Work Of The Angles

“You’re doing the work of the angels.” —Rush Limbaugh sit-in flunky, Mark Belling Radio segment: Original artwork:

They Will Be Assimilated

Note:  We’re having a weird WP problem with our latest posts.  If you don’t see a picture here, you wont be able to tell us— because comments stopped working too.  —FRACK! If the Borg ever show up on our planet, Urantia, seeking to absorb intelligent life into their corporate, hive like mind, our best chance of survival is to offer …

Oiley Sez Sport Fishin’s Alive & Well In The Gulf

Senator Mitch McConnell joined Gov. Oiley Barbour for some “good ‘ol sport fishin” Wednesday, in an effort to allay the fears of radical leftist fish lovers and prove that the “sport” is not actually “dead.” BILOXI — Mississippi’s Governor, Haley Barbour, a well-fed former Washington lobbyist, has matter-‘o-factly said the oil slick slickin’ offshore is “jist a sheen in most …

Pray Baby Pray

There’s another reason Obama got spanked hard by some secular media heads— he dared invoke the nation to pray for courage— he dared to ask God for guidance through our latest eco-clusterfuck— to the dawning of a brighter day.

How Rethugs Would Govern

The DNC keeps hope alive with their second tv commercial about the Rethug apology tour. First DNC ad capitalizing on Rep. Joe Barton’s apology to BP CEO Tony Hayward Creating ads for the DNC has got to be the easiest and sweetest gig in the biz.

Tony Baloney’s Congressional Testimony (Update)

BP CEO Tony Hayward preparing for his congressional testimony today Well, watching Hayward’s congressional testimony thus far has been a frustrating exercise, more a textbook example of lawyered up stonewalling. The Mustache of Justice, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), tried in vain to get him to answer the questions posed in the committee’s letter they sent to him Monday. The letter …