Romney-Bachmann Ticket Would Have Foster Child
It’s Back To The Future Friday, kids, and you know what that means— supercilious speculations are in order.
It’s Back To The Future Friday, kids, and you know what that means— supercilious speculations are in order.
Just hours before his last show on Thursday, Fox News has announced that human tater-tot Glenn Beck will be replaced for the summer by a new gay talk program called, “BOPRAH!”
Our voice is made up of Americans from all walks of life like a three-legged stool!
Watch the latest video at Jon Stewart enters the Fux News snake pit Last Sunday, Jon Stewart was interviewed by Mike Wallace on the Fox News Sunday Show. In the show’s intro (not shown in the clip above), Wallace promised to “grill the bad boy of political comedy about liberal media bias.” You know, that old canard. But it …
A tactfully cropped version (below) of our Michele Bachmann‘s Wingnut Parade graphic above, showed up in a slide show used by talented Obama impersonator, Reggie Brown, which was coincidentally about the time officials at the Republican Leadership Conference cut his mic and escorted him from the stage. Of course, we’d like to think it was our graphic of Bachmann in …
The old saw, “Every nation has the government it deserves” is nowhere more visibly apparent today than in the United States of America.