Barack Obama told reporters of the MSM Mouse Circus he ate a lot of pot roasts and Jello molds growing up. Stunned reporters asked why an elitist would ever admit to “eating pot roasted and jello molded.” Atienne, a resident of a small town in Northwestern PA, responded to their stupidity this way: This is the problem with the MSM. …


Radical Preacher and Pig Religionist, John Hagee Blogging at the Nation, John Nichols shared the following remarks of radical preacher John Hagee regarding Hurricane Katrina and the city of New Orleans’ “sinful” acceptance of homosexuality: “What happened in New Orleans looked like the curse of God…” Hagee explained after the city experienced a national disaster that cost at least 1,836 …

Reply to “America, the Community”

Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.

America the Community

AMERICA THE COMMUNITY By Stan Hartman   There is so little that is close and warm. It is as if we were never children. —Wallace Stevens Those are some of the saddest lines in the whole of American literature, yet they also point to an aspect of America that’s most deeply joyful— the sense of real family, and in a …

Someone’s Been Peeing in the Gene Pool Again

How else to explain a comments like this, captured by Dana Milbank in Tuesday’s WAPO: “I don’t care too much for Obama,” Maria Norgren, the daughter and granddaughter of steelworkers… “I don’t even think he’s American,” added her husband, Edward, who lost his job when the steel mills closed… “His father’s from Nigeria, right?” asked Maria, wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers …