A Happy McCain Mother’s Day

O.M.F.G. . . . Did you catch the music?!? Wrong about the day he was born?? Wrong about being born during “Happy Hour”?? (Did they even have “Happy Hour” in the Neolithic?) How does this help us to think he’s not too old to remember who the Sunnis are? But twenty-seven bottles of Scotch?? For a baby?? Well MY mom …

The Presidential Rolodex: Why Billary Refuses To Go

[UPDATED BELOW] Comedian Jimmy Kimmel made an astute observation the other day: the only way Barack Obama can lose to Hillary now is to marry Bill. As the toxic oil slick from the wreck of the USS Clinton continues to spread throughout the once unified Democratic Party, the refusal of Billary to gracefully withdraw from the race is being spun …

Sooner or Later, You’ll Own Generals- Update

Well, it’s been two weeks since The NY Times broke the story of the Pentagon‘s psy ops, perception management campaign created to sell the Iraq War to the American public by 75 former military officers– reverse embeds, if you will. Thus far, not a single television network or cable news company has bothered to respond to the charges, despite a …


EAT SHIT, AMERICA! Mc. . . McSame. . . How many times did you eat a McDonald’s cheesebooger before you realized you are what you eat? How many times did you eat a McDonald’s cheesebooger before you realized it was never going to taste different, or better, or be good for you at all? How many times can the Republicans …


Joe Biden points out one of the seven deadly sins: Gluttony. I heard from Joe Biden first thing this morning. Joe says: Dear Friend, This country can’t afford any more of the Republican Party’s failed leadership. It’s the reason I ran for president, and it’s the reason I’m writing to you today. Actually, I think Joe is aware that most …