The Obama Zeitgeist

Hillary Clinton missed the zeitgeist, while Barack Obama not only recognized and embraced it, but due in large part to his diverse cultural and racial background, actually embodies it. Barack’s message of Hope and Change found greater resonance in the Democratic electorate than Hillary’s message of Experience and Leadership. The latter no doubt polled well in Mark Penn‘s focus groups, …

Bad Friday?

Having a Bad Friday? Well. At least be grateful you don’t have to live in either one of these skulls.

We Must Rise The Occasion

NEW ORLEANS— John McCain stammered his way through one of his more memorable speeches ever Tuesday night, but unfortunately it was memorable for the number of speaking miscues off the teleprompter, not the content. It was memorable for the forced, creepy smiles at the end of sentences that didn’t warrant them. Even his repetitious blinking was unnerving. And with more …


From Huff Po: WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois sealed the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, a historic step toward his once-improbable goal of becoming the nation’s first black president. A defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton maneuvered for the vice presidential spot on his fall ticket. The 24-7 news is a few hours behind the curve tonight, still saying Obama is …

Over the Top: Live Blogging the End of the Primaries

Anybody surprised that Fixed News is saying Obama is already over the top, before the polls close, while CNN and MSNBC are saying, in effect- not so fast? Anything to counter the obvious Dem strategy to have their Hollywood moment, declaring that either Nebraska or South Dakota have put Obama over the top rather than the INSIDERS at the DNC, …

What Happened: The Culturing of Deception [UPDATE]

Today, Jay Rosen over at Huffington Post uses a slightly different analysis to come to the same conclusion as moi last Saturday re what I’ll call here The McClellan Mushroom Strategy: Keep him in the dark and feed him loads of shit: One of Bush’s strengths is his eye for human weakness. The towel-snapping humor is based on this. It …