Bush: Flushed With Success?

San Francisco voters have, in an upcoming election, the opportunity to name a prominent civic structure after the current president. George W. Bush, whom many historians consider to be the worst president in US history, is nonetheless being singled out for the honor of having his name engraved on a building overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean. If the measure passes, …

“John McCain is Aware of teh Internet(s)”

John McCain reveals how many fingers he uses to access the Internets. When seventy-one year old John McCain acknowledged earlier this month that he was “computer illiterate,” it confirmed to many in the blogosphere (wherever that is) that the Republican presidential nominee was essentially clueless about politics in what some are calling the “digital age.” McCain’s commitment to this straight-talk …

Dem Leaders Pee On Constitution & Say It’s Raining

Rep. Steny Hoyer demonstrates his insight into 4th Amendment Put aside for the moment that Nancy Pelosi, Jane Harman, Jay Rockefeller, et al, were “read into” Bush’s illegal wiretapping tapping program and are thus complicit in breaking the FISA law. And therefore have every reason to grant immunity to the telecoms and the Bushies, regardless of what damage it does …

Dicking Around at Dickipedia

Most of you old-timie dicks have probably stumbled across Wickipedia by now. Perhaps a smaller number of you also know about Chickipedia. But very few have found their way to Dickipedia; “the wiki of dicks.” It must be fairly new, because there are quite a few really big dicks who aren’t mentioned— yet. Of course, having a dick technically qualifies …

Blueprints of McCain’s DoubleTalk Express Leaked To Press

URANTIA, (C.U. News) – Top Secret documents leaked from the McCain Campaign today include blueprints from the DoubleTalk Express. It’s hybrid engine apparently combines elements of a garbage powered flux capacitor with a navigational unit from an infinite improbability drive. To review: The Flux Capacitor, by Roger Zemeckis, “Back To The Future“ The flux capacitor…was described by Doc as “what …

War is God’s Way of Teaching Americans Geography

Representative government presupposes an intelligent, efficient, and universal electorate. The character of such a government will ever be determined by the character and caliber of those who compose it. –The Urantia Book Boy, are we in trouble. Five plus years into the Iraq War, only one in seven Americans can find Iraq on a map. Only two out of five …