First we get Hucklebee making funny about a gun being pointed at Obama. Then we get the Clint justifying staying in the campaign because Obama could get hisself assassinated by some hard-working white gumball. Now we get Faux Noise “contributor” Liz Fox Trotter, who supposedly recognizes Hillary Clinton’s comment was a “campaign killer,” and not a minute later coughs up …

Waiting For The Storm To Blow Over

  Apologies to Thomas Nast for borrowing his September 23, 1871 cartoon captioned: “A Group of Vultures Waiting for the Storm to ‘Blow Over’—‘Let Us Prey” Yes, that’s Satan’s lapdog, Carl Rove behind her, so to speak. . . The media shit-storm over the assassination slur probably hasn’t reached full pitch yet, but who really expects it to even momentarily …

When She’s Right She’s Right

Arianna Huffington says to stop yelling at the Clint and and start yelling at the Dems— the SuperDems— to get their vote on. So who are these slacker/power mongers? People who are holding back to be among the “deciders”? They’re listed here. If you know any of them, it’s time to shoot’em— an email— and get the nomination process over …


Back in the day in America, we lived in a free country. In America, you could, if you wanted to, rake up a bunch of leaves and burn them, if you felt like it. Or you could burn trash and garbage in your very own trash barrel. You could fire up a chain saw and cut down a tree on …

Obama’s Short List for VP Leaked to Press

From Lee Camp: Yeah, he left a few good people off. We got page two here:


Speaking in Israel in conjunction with the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel at the “Facing Tomorrow” presidential conference, George Bush once again embarrassed himself, Pickles, and our nation: “We believe that the surest way— ta defeat the enemies of hatred—[sic] is to advance the cause of hope— ta the cause of freedom— liberdy—[sic] as the great alternative to …

TAG— You’re IT

As I move around different sites and read articles, I’m often amused and enlightened by the taglines commenters use. Here’s a sampling of taglines I’ve encountered today: Some people fight fire with fire. Professionals use water. “Only a man’s character is the real criterion of worth” —Eleanor Roosevelt …”For beauty,” I replied. “And I for truth— the two are one; …