Let The “Tired Negative Attacks” Begin

A McCain spokesman recently accused Sen. Barack Obama of “launching … tired negative attacks” against Sen. McCain for simply pointing out McCain’s most recent gaffe, claiming he had “supported every investigation” into the causes of the Katrina response when in fact two of his votes were actually cast to prevent investigations. McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers: It doesn’t bode well …

Bad Friday?

Having a Bad Friday? Well. At least be grateful you don’t have to live in either one of these skulls.

We Must Rise The Occasion

NEW ORLEANS— John McCain stammered his way through one of his more memorable speeches ever Tuesday night, but unfortunately it was memorable for the number of speaking miscues off the teleprompter, not the content. It was memorable for the forced, creepy smiles at the end of sentences that didn’t warrant them. Even his repetitious blinking was unnerving. And with more …

They Wanna Do What They Wanna Do!

Our friend Driftglass has a gaggle of fine people who comment over there, and in our continuing effort to get them over here, I occasionally take their pithy comments and share them here. Because good ideas need to be shared, that’s why. Okay. I have gardening to do, too. Tanbark said: Did Jane Hamsher post that at FDL, because she …


The Party Under The Bus Of course the Bus we’re talking about isn’t the “Straight-Talk Express,” AKA, “The Lobby-Knobby Express,” piloted by John McSame, the Greedy Old Party’s nominee for Commander-in-Chief of the World president of the United States. The bus we’re talking about, as well as all of Washington, is the Scott McClellan man-of-war, the Milquetoast Marauder— no, the …

Paying The GI Jackson

WASHINGTON — John McCain defended his plan for veterans’ college benefits Monday, as both he, and Barack Obama spoke to veterans on Memorial Day. Hillary Clinton campaigned Monday in Puerto Rico. Obama and McCain have sparred from a distance recently over the bill, sometimes with what the MSM calls “heated words.” In his comments on Memorial Day, McCain did not …

The Wright Stuff

Updated below The protracted folderol over Reverend Wright has done something quite important in the presidential race. America’s great but errant spotlight of high moral values has been directed so extensively, so brightly, and so carefully on Barack Obama’s relationship with him, that it has set a powerful precedent which has just begun to focus on John McCain. Hagee and …