Dicking Around at Dickipedia

Most of you old-timie dicks have probably stumbled across Wickipedia by now. Perhaps a smaller number of you also know about Chickipedia. But very few have found their way to Dickipedia; “the wiki of dicks.” It must be fairly new, because there are quite a few really big dicks who aren’t mentioned— yet. Of course, having a dick technically qualifies …

Trippin’ ‘Round the Horn of Hypocrisy

What’s shakin’? Let’s take a trip around the Horn. What kind of asshole has to be tortured before he learns to love his own c*nt-ry?? The John McCain type of asshole. In a Fox Noise interview with John McCain on March 13, 2008, McCain said, “I didn’t really love America until I was deprived of her company.” Unlike “John McNasty,” …


You know, if this trend continues to gain momentum, it wont be Obama that defeats McCain— it’ll be YouTube. Another historic first.

Cookie Monster Redux

You probably thought that when Cindy McCain‘s reputation was sautéed by a low-level campaign staffer who plagiarized the Internets for less than authentic McCain Family recipes for the McCain website, that they would have at least smacked her hand— the intern, not Cindy— and told her to go and sin no more. But the little dollop has had a relapse …

Screw This Up And You’re History

Frank Schaeffer, a survivor of polio, an evangelical/fundamentalist childhood, and many years as a right-wing Republican, says: While Republicans are concentrating on winning in November it seems to me that they have lost sight of the fact that this moment has far greater significance than whatever happens in electoral politics this year. If you listen to the silly chatter on …

’08 Election Results Accidentally Leaked

Friday The Thirteenth Has Forever Been Redefined WASHINGTON—Properly safeguarding the illusion of democracy is “job one” at Diebold, but nobody’s perfect. Our shadowy Overlords are occasionally exposed to the blinding light of reality when their computers hiccup, today revealing a McCain victory in November’s presidential election more than four months ahead of schedule. Not to worry. Television Networks, ever sensitive …

Lobbyists Are Getting A Raw Deal

Snap! Screw the politicians! Elect corporations to run our government. Look at the bangin’ job they’re doin’ in Iraq.