Use the force, Darth;  use all the force you want. (Click it.) Going through yesterday’s junkmail,  I notice one piece that proclaimed, “This is the Story of William Ayers. . . Terrorist.  Radical.  Friend of Obama.”  On the flip side:  “I don’t regret setting bombs.  I feel we didn’t do enough.” The “quote” was sandwiched between a 1968 booking photo …

The Americake Is Baked

If you’re at a McCake-eating party on November 4th, and you see this cake, it means you’re on the receiving end of a landslide loss of historic proportions. The upside is, Obama— and all Americans— have been granted the opportunity to dramatically change America’s current disastrous course, avert impending catastrophe, and embark on a new era of breath-taking change that …

Plumbing the Depths of Deplankitude

Sarah did a sitdown phone interview with James Dobson.
She may have even had some notes, but they didn’t have anything in them about the very very strong planks that form the floor foundation of the Republikin party. I can’t be sure if these are direct quotes, but ya know, I think they’re viry viry close.

Overlooked. . .

Seems like ages already, but it was just a week ago that moderator Bob Schieffer set the tone for the third and final presidential debate, by presenting ceremonial death jars to Senators Barack Obama, and John McCain.


Blue Gal has an interesting post today on Sarah‘s wardrobe peccadilloes, and while some women’s clothes aren’t one of my things, photoshop is. So when BG said this pic was “Not a photoshop,” I was intrigued. After a close examination of this picture, I went surfing;  ‘cuzz you just never know what the waves will bring in: “Alley Trash”?  Who’d …

The “S” WORD

Sarah Six-Pack was in Loveland, Colorado today, saying Barack Obama is an advocate for “Socialism,” and that “. . .now is not the time to experiment with Socialism.” Peggeh Noonan The recent groundswell of Republican pundits with enough character and honesty to look fairly at Barack Obama, or at least John McCain and Sarah Palin, are having a rough time …

Hey St. Louis!

You Kick Ass!! Join the crowd. . . Pull your browser window as big as it will go and click it. • •