Contempt In A Free-Floating Void

The simple, snark-free truth is this. There is so much wrong with the way life and culture are currently valued, lived, and experienced in America today by a huge, backward looking minority, that irony and snark must per force ooze from every pore of our collective bag of national skin until we free ourselves from its grasping claws.


Attention FOX News Advertiser,

I am writing to inform you that I will not purchase your products as long as you advertise on FOX News.

FOX News does not broadcast news, it broadcasts Republican propaganda— lies, hatred, and incitement to violence— including violence against American citizens, Democratic leaders, and President Obama.

Remember This Guy?

MINNESOTA — Life after politics? You betcha. If he’s proved anything in the months since last November’s election, we don’t know what it is. But Norm Coleman isn’t one to sit on the sidelines of life. Back in October of 2008, Coleman refused to officially deny that he had his clothing paid for by prominent businessman and GOP donor, Nasser Kazeminy. Just last month, Norm’s new start up career as CEO of Teh Plantain Republic launched itself onto the sea of clown clothing.


Wingnuts are voracious eaters; they loves them some fried stuff. I’m a voracious reader; so when I happened upon a shiny new copy of WINGNUT magazine in the restroom of The Big Chicken in Marietta, Georgia, I did the Right thing: I totally appropriated it.

This Week In Teh Crazy ·8·8·09·

Another jaw-dropper week in Teh Crazy as we hunker down for the August recess/hyperbolic frenzy of the continuing implosion of the Rethuglicans. Read it and weep. Or cling to your religion and guns. Whatever blows your skirt up. I have alcohol to consume.

Chuck Wanker Rides Again

Rachel Weiner: In a column Tuesday, actor and conservative political figure Chuck Norris argued that President Obama should release his birth certificate. Norris said that he finds it “a bit of a groundless stretch” to believe the president is not from Hawaii. Yet, he tells Obama, “Refusing to post your original birth certificate is an unwise political and leadership decision …