Real Bad Men Wear Stripes (Updated)

Seantor David Vitter’s “compassion” for this victim of rape lasted nearly 30 seconds, when he started talking over her; it was 64 seconds before he scapegoated President Obama; and a full minute and 12 seconds before he tucked his prehensile appendage between his legs and slithered toward the door.

Teh Motivatinator©

Teh Motivatinator© will be touring soon, but save you’re $4.95; we’ve got the whole speech for you right here. That’s it. What; You really expected more from him?? Didn’t we all.

Milkin’ It

I don’t do much cow dairy, so imagine my shock at seeing this vicious attack on four of our nation’s most profligate smug lying bastards.

Sick Puppy Speaks

Sick Puppy portrait of George Herbert Walker “Poppy” “Popeye” Bush* If you endured the “prudent” George Herbert Walker Bush debacle during 1989-1993, then you know why his spawn, “W” Bush, was an even more devastating u-turn for the country. But unlike W, at least George senior was skillful enough to capitalize on his daddy’s connections, and after enrolling in a …


The new has an addictive refresh feature that throws up (no pun intended) a new Republican face every time you refresh the page. I got a black face on the first refresh, and got six blacks out of the first ten pics, which is cool, because we all know the new Republican Party is 60% black… Aw ite! What up, dog?

Oh Snap! You’re all Gonna Die! Says Health Insurance Dicks Of Death

AHIP/CEOs swear they will kill every last one of us if they don’t get their way. Ezra Klein In the early-’90s, the tobacco industry commissioned PWC to estimate the economic devastation that would result from a tax on tobacco. The report was later analyzed by the Arthur Andersen Economic Consulting group, which concluded that “the cumulative effect of PW’s methods …