First-Hand Anger…

…IS NOT ENOUGH. How much longer before we finally realize that Corporations— individual citizens— will never be responsible stewards of the earth’s natural resources. The people of this nation OWN it’s resources;  only a moral people will care enough to protect our country, our oceans, our air, our water— our world— from the ravages of the greed, arrogance, and stupidity …

Read It With Friends.

The brotherhood of men is founded on the fatherhood of God. The family of God is derived from the love of God–God is love. God the Father divinely loves his children, all of them.

Let The light In

On a billion screens like yours, a billion people are watching the technology of search transforming millions of isolated books into the Library of All Human Knowledge. The old saw has been turned on its axis: a lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Read It With A Friend.

A President with a Cosmology would be— A great president? Or the Greatest President.

GOD Acts Out Again

The wrathful God of Ezekiel and Isaiah receives some well-deserved toadying from a grateful Mark Miner, spokesman for Texas Governor Rick Perry. Miner supplicated himself before the angry monarch on the Governor’s behalf, in recognition of God’s recent horrific oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. “Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce …

Arizona Flies A False Flag

The false flag of Arizona Republicans. PHOENIX – An American citizen was questioned and detained at a weigh station along Val Vista and the 202 freeway, when he pulled his commercial truck in the station for a routine check.  “Abdon,” who now refuses to give his last name, provided several pieces of information, but it wasn’t enough.  He was handcuffed …

Judas Iscariot, The Twelfth Apostle

“When very young, he was pampered and petted; he was a spoiled child. As he grew up, he had exaggerated ideas about his self-importance. He was a poor loser. He had loose and distorted ideas about fairness; he was given to the indulgence of hate and suspicion. He was an expert at misinterpretation of the words and acts of his friends. All through his life Judas had cultivated the habit of getting even with those whom he fancied had mistreated him. His sense of values and loyalties was defective.”