Palin’s Wingnut Reality

The Potential Reality Normal Americans See.Health Care Bear
Finally, public health care done right.

The Potential Reality Sarah Palin Sees.

Palin Death PanelA “POTUS Death Panel.” 

Something has snapped in the lizard brains. Once you grasp just how badly snapped they are, you also start to realize just how frightened and manipulated by fear they really are.  Beyond belief?  Oh you betcha.  Way, way beyond belief.  Alternate reality beyond belief.  Mentally ill beyond belief.  Many thousands of mentally ill Americans who are literally so fucked up they can no longer discern reality.

What to do.  Leave them behind?  Yes.  Move on without them?  Without further hesitation. Should we be concerned about them? Absolutely. They’re the real killers;  what they’re killing is the unity of a shared American Dream.

These timid, frightened, deranged children of fear and despair simply cannot be taught the truth of reality, now;  maybe even much later than death do them part.  They are far too warped, too stupid, too misinformed, too manipulated by lies and intentional distortion to snap back into even a semblance of a healthy perception of reality.

Tell Congress to move on and get health care done, and done rightForget all the compromised bullshit. “Public option” my ass.  Get single payer on the table and figure it-the-fuck out.  Because if you don’t, you’re personally not going to have government health care after next election day.


  1. Michael Hart

    nonnie, up in my neighborhood, you could see bumper stickers that read: “LOBOTOMIES FOR REPUBLICANS— IT’S THE LAW.”
    Hell, I thought they were born that way; but it may be worth turning her in to social services anyway, Mary b.

  2. mary b

    Although I wouldn’t wish Child Services on my worst enemy, the way she treats her baby is disgusting. Besides, she still has so much power left in Alaska, nobody would touch her.
    Check out Gryphen has an article from yesterday that’s pretty good about her and her baby.

  3. mary b

    Palin is done. Stick a fork in her.
    By the way, at the Town Hall with President Obama in N.H. today, some winger showed up with a loaded gun strapped to his leg. Tweety had him on. I have to give Tweety some credit, he was trying his damnedest to make the nutjob answer why he felt he needed to go to a Town Hall armed. The nutjob just kept dancing around the issue. If you missed the segment, perhaps you can catch it at I don’t know how to do much with the computer but I’m positive you do.
    Can you believe someone would do that? And if I’m not mistaken, they didn’t make him leave!
    We have Scary Sarah to thank for this at least partially. Health Care is something I need desperately, so if you thought I didn’t like her before, it’s much worse now.

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